112 Kids helped LEGO of Boredom During Covid-19
There are many families during this quarantine that are in very poor circumstances, and are trying to get through the day and take care of their kids and family. Parks are closed, school is very different virtually, parents are losing hours and losing jobs, and all of this is putting kids home all day long. Many have tight quarters and are just looking for things to do. We heard from families in apartments where the common areas and parks are closed, families who have with special needs and limited resources, families who have lost jobs and kids are very confused by this, and many more stories. All of them are very grateful to get something sent to them that they can do that is not a screen, not a tablet, not a phone, but something that they can sit and do at the kitchen table as a family together that is new and different. We were able to send some larger sets of LEGOs to families with 6 kids, 11 kids, 3 kids with special needs, kids with anger issues who’s escape is building LEGOs, and families who have lost their house and had to move in with grandparents and just need a positive activity. We continue to get applications coming in, and we will continue to send out LEGO sets until we run out. We like to hope that God is connecting us to families where we can bring some peace of mind, joy, and hope to their very chaotic lives right now.
Who are we helping?
We don't have a backyard to be able to play outdoors
I was just laid off due to Covid
My husband is not working due to Corona
I can only work two days a week- dental office only for emergencies
We don't have any parks open to play
I have a busy developmentally delayed 7 year old boy
It has been hard I am a mother of 11 . . .
I have 8 kids at home . . . . our lives have been turned upside down
I am not able to provide like before, and it was hard then.
We have a very bright kid with autism . . . trying to keep him busy
Would be beneficial to keep our kids busy and focused
My kid had ADHD with anger issues, and uses LEGOs to calm
We have 3 special needs children at home . . . struggling with this
I temporarily lost my full time job due to covid
I am currently unemployed due to covid
We lost our house and currently had to move in with grandma
My kids seem to get down very quickly anymore
Miss their friends and classes, legos and building is where his happy place has been
During this pandemic financial resources are unstable and uncertain, so dont have extra money for kids extras
My son has Autism and does not have many interests, Legos really keep him busy
We have 3 children and this has been a very difficule time
We are a family of 7 and only one is able to work full time currently
I am at high risk and disabled, so income has been very low
We have opened our home to foster children and it has been an expensive process
I am a single mom trying to raise my 3 daughters
What are parents wanting from this?
A time to have some fun together in the afternoons after our busy school schedule
Family fun time bonding and using learning tools
To see smiles on our boys faces and to help them feel a sense of accomplishment
We want to be able to do things together to help keep our kids busy
Remote learning was unsuccessful at our house, we have been looking for hands on activities
Practical screen free learning opportunities
Peace of mind with something he loves
Something he loves to get him off his gaming system
An escape fro this craziness
He needs some positive distractions
A spark of excitement and happiness for my children
Something for them to do to let their creativity and imagination run
Just the smiles would mean the world
My children's happiness is all I need and hope to gain
It would give us great joy of something to do while stuck at home
I would want to gain a super duper smile on my kids face
Finishing something all on her own, she would be so tickled and it would mean the world to her
